
Congress presentations

Spontaneous saliva swallowing: a systematic review (S. Scholten & H.Kalf). 8th ESSD congress, September 28-29, 2018, Dublin.

Maximum swallowing speeds quickly decreases with swallowing complaints. 10th CPLOL congres, May 11-12, 2018, Estoril.

Oropharyngeal functioning in oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD). Dysphaga Research Society, Baltimore, MA, 2018.

Measuring saliva swallowing frequency in patients with Parkinson's disease (S. Scholten, W. Hopman, H. Kalf). Annual meeting Dysphagia Research Society, Tucson AZ, 2016.

Workshop Dysarthria. (S. Knuijt & H.Kalf), 9th CPLOL congress, Florence, 2015.

Swallowing therapy does not accelerate return to normal food intake after radiotherapy. DRS congress, Nashville TN, 2014.

Assessment of adult swallowing disorders (Basic course). 8th CPLOL congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2012.

Causes and solutions for drooling in Parkinson’s disease. 8th CPLOL congress. The Hague, the Netherlands, 2012.

Preliminary analysis of a “Normalcy of Food Intake” scale for head and neck oncology. 1st ESSD congress, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2011.

Normal values of the swallowing volume test. 19th DRS congress, San Antonio, Texas, 2011.

Welke slikscreening na een beroerte: maakt het uit? Jaarcongres NVLF, 2010.

Challenges and opportunities for speech and language therapy: the European dimension. 28th IALP congress, Athens, Greece, 2010.

Marketing our profession: a multidisciplinary approach. 28th IALP congress, Athens, Greece, 2010.

Delivery of SLT in Parkinson’s disease. 28th IALP congress, Athens, Greece, 2010.

Quality indicators for SLT in Parkinson’s disease. 28th IALP congress, Athens, Greece, 2010.

Drooling in Parkinson’s disease: dysphagia matters. 18th DRS congress, San Diego, CA, 2010.

Guidelines for SLT in Parkinson’s disease. 7th CPLOL congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009.

Prevalence of oral motor disorders in Parkinson’s disease. 7th CPLOL congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009.

Prevalentie van logopedische stoornissen bij de ziekte van Parkinson en consequenties voor behandeling. Jaarcongres NVLF, 2008.

Normal values of the swallowing volume test (preliminary outcomes). 27th IALP congress, Copenhagen, Danmark, 2007.

The evidence base for the assessment and management of speech and language disorders,  related to bilingualism or multilingualism. 6th CPLOL congress, Berlin, Deutschland, 2006.

Expliciting the aims of aphasia therapy. International Conference on Stroke Rehabilitation, Berlin, Deutschland, 1993.

Principles of behaviour change applied to communication disorders. International Conference on Interdisciplinairy Perspectives in Speech and Language Pathology, Dublin, Ireland, 1992.