Invited lectures
Gebruik van IDDSI in de praktijk. NVLF-congres 30 november 2018, Nieuwegein.
Non-pharmacological treatment in Parkinson's dssease. Swedish Movement Disorder Society. Novemebr 8, 2018, Stockholm.
Slikstoornissen bij de ziekte van Parkinson en atypisch parkinsonismen. ParkinsonNetcongres 2 november 2018, Zwolle.
Speech analysis & Therapy. Skills workshop at the International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, October 5-9, 2018, Hong Kong.
Neurophysiology of swallowing in Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonism / Assessing swallowing functon in Parkinson's disease / Treating swallowing disorders in Parkinson's disease. 2nd Speech and Swallowing in Parkinson's Disease School. MDS 6-7 July 2018, London.
IDDSI: Dutch-Flemish translation. 4th congres of the Belgian Society for Swallowing Disorders, Brussel, 21 april 2018.
Als het werkt, werkt het. Een kritische beschouding voor de logopedie, ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van Coen Winkelman. Hogeschool Rotterdam, 20 april 2018. Handout.
Slikstoornissen bij dementie. 1e Nationaal Ouderen en Voedingcongres, 7 maart 2018, Ede. Handout.
Richtlijn Orofaryngeale Dysfagie. Alumnidag HAN Logopedie, 27 januari 2018, Nijmegen.
Prevalence of OD and drooling in Parkinson's disease. ESSD congres 20-22 September 2017, Barcelona,
Treatments of PD and effects on swallowing.1st Speech and Swallowing in Parkinson's disease School. MDS 31 August - 2 Spetember 2017, Aix-en Provence.
Swallowing, eating and saliva. 1st Speech and Swallowing in Parkinson's disease School, 31 August - 2 Spetember 2017, Aix-en Provence.
Swallowing disorders and Parkinson's. August Educational Lecture, 12 August 2017 at Parkinson Voice Project in Dallas, Texas.
Does exercise work? Treatment of Swallowing Disorders by Speech-Language Therapists. Congress 11-13 May 2017, Istanbul Medipol University.
Hoe voeden bij slik- en passageklachten? 10e Nationaal Voedingscongres, 10 januari 2017.
Slikstoornissen bij de ziekte van Parkinson en atypisch parkinsonismen. ParkinsonNetcongres Rotterdam, 8 december 2016.
Neurogenic dysphagia: do exercises work? Interdiscipinary Evaluation of Swallowing and Voice: Exploring the Aerodigestive Tract. Dublin 10-11 November 2016.
Vocie and Parkinson's. World Parkinson Congres Portland OR, 20-23 September 2016.
Evidence for monodisciplinary care: speech therapy. World Parkinson Congres, Portland OR, 20-23 September 2016
Speech-language therapy in the ageing population: current and future perspective. 13th Panhellenic Congress of Logopedics, Athens 21 mei 2016.
Logopedie bij ouderen. Alumnimiddag Hogeschool Rotterdam, Logopedie, 15 april 2016.
Logopedie bij ouderen. Afstudeersymposium Hogeschool Arnhem en Nijmegen, IPS, Logopedie, 13 januari 2016.
Anatomie en fysiologie van het slikken. Jaarcongres Nederlandse Anatomen Vereniging, 9 januari 2016.
Logopedie bij ouderen: past, present and future. Jaarcongres NVLF, 13 november 2015.
Do we understand hypokinetic dysphagia? First symposium of the Belgian Society for Swallowing Disorders (BSSD), Leuven, 30 May 2015.
Evidence-based handelen: richtlijnen of niet? Kwaliteit: noodzaak - uitdaging. Wereldstemdag Uden, april 2015.
Workshop on dysphagia: Who is afraid of water? VII congresso nacional da APTF, Lisbon 14 November 2014.
Evidence-based practice: what has changed the last decade? VII congresso nacional da APTF, Lisbon, 15 November 2014.
Parkinson's disease and swallowing. 4th congress European Society and Swallowing (ESSD), Brussels, 24 October 2014.
De patiënt met dysfagie: mechanismen en analyse. Nationaal Voedingscongre, Arnhem, 26 juni 2014.
Evidence-based logopedie. Congres t.g.v. 50 jaar opleiding logopedie Arteveld Hogeschool Gent, 15 mei 2014.
Professioneel gebruik van sociale media, Alumnivereniging FoLo-Öp Fontys Eindhoven, 25 januari 2014. Blog
E-health en Parkinson. Congres ParkinsonNet, 29 november 2013.
Orofaciale Fysiotherapeut, KNO en Logopedie een Halszaak. Fysiocongres, 15 november 2013.
Slik- en spraakstoornissen bij de ziekte van Parkinson. Parkinsoncongres voor verpleegkundigen, 11 oktober 2013.
Skills workshop: swallowing and speech disorders in Parkinson’s disease.18th congress Movement Disorders Society. Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Linee guida olandesi per la logopedia nel Parkinson. Tenno, Italia, 2013
Guidelines pour la prise en charge des patients atteints de Parkinson. 3ème Colloque International de l’ASELF, Namur, Belgique, 2013.
Kwaliteit van dysfagiebehandeling in Nederland. Capita Selecta ANLU. Hogeschool Utrecht, 8 februari 2013.
Drooling and dysphagia in Parkinson’s disease. 2nd ESSD congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2012.
Development of evidence-based guidelines. 8th CPLOL congress. the Hague, Netherlands, 2012.
Scientific research in speech-language therapy. Annual congress Federazione Logopedisti Italiani (FLI). Milano, Italia, 2012.
Evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology. Biannual congres Slovenská asociácia logopédov, Slowakije, 2010.
Slikstoornissen na een beroerte. 1e Jaarcongres Dutch Society for Neurorehabilitation. Utrecht, Netherlands, 2010.
Botulinum toxin therapy for drooling. ORL Congress, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2010.
Dysphagia in Parkinson’s disease. Annual congress ORL Antwerpen, Belgium, 2008.
Evidence-based speech therapy: in general and in Parkinson’s disease. University of Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland, 2007.
Evidence-based speech therapy. Biannual congress of the Slovenian Association of Logopedists. Maribor, Slovenia, 2007.
Current possibilities of Evidence-based Speech Therapy. Congress Svenska LogopedFörbundet. Göteborg, Sweden, 2005.
Slikstoornissen op IC: 3 misverstanden opgehelderd. Venticare congres, Utrecht 2004.
Current possibilities of evidence-based speech therapy, in practice and in clinical education: do we wish for more? 5th CPLOL congress. Edinburgh, UK, 2003.
Slikstoornissen na langdurige beademing. Venticare congres, Utrecht 2002.